Sunday, March 15, 2009


I RemEmBer WeN I uSeTa TyPe LiKe ThiZ, iT toOk 4EvEr!

last week or something i was watching House, and the main patient, he had something wrong with him by saying whatever is on his mind. he can't think before speaking. he just says everything on his mind. so of course he said inappropriate things, and i was just thinking about it and i am so glad that we don't always speak whatever's on our thoughts, we have choices to make even when thoughts come up without control. i think if i were to say everything that's on my mind, i would be the meanest, most bitter, judgemental, person ever! i don't even know where it comes from. scary. that's all, lazy to think more. how depressing...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

so busy...

man! i'm so behind in school....
so much invovled with activities....

the other day i was talking to my very old old childhood friend and we talked till midnight and it was great! i realized i've ditched my other friends to be so involved with church and it's activities...its nice but still, the greater mission will be targeted those unsaved instead of already saved ones.

yeah im in a rush now....think later...can't be still....>_<