Sunday, January 3, 2010



tis TRUE!

When you talk about the one you crush on, you make it more a reality. does that make sense? oh's okay if you don't understand.

So now that I have talked more about it with other people the other day! Now I'm really gonna miss seeing him everyday! gr...

1 comment:

  1.'s true like many other things in life. Our heart and mind have a way of making ourselves think and believe a certain way. That's why it's important to guard our minds and feed it with spiritual truth. Satan knows (like God does) that our heart/mind is the Deceiver will throw many temptations (especially those things that we are extremely weak in) our way to lure our heart/mind away from dwelling on the excellent things in life. That's why God gives us Philippians 4:7-9 to guide us in the spiritual battle of the heart/mind. Good to have you back...looking forward to hear how your love for Jesus was deepened through the conference. Here's a thought question for you :P Do you "crush" on Jesus?
