Sunday, May 9, 2010


errrghh...something's wrong....

or else..God's trying to teach me something...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What do they need to be your ideal BF/GF?

or the better question should be, am I worth dating?

I hear it all the time. So what do you look for in a guy or girl? Do they have to be tall? Handsome? Pretty? Nice? Funny? Charismatic?

Don't we always talk about these things during sleepovers, random waiting time, or during topical studies?
It occurred to me recently that I shouldn't be answering those questions just yet, because the more important question is "have I worked on my character so that I can be who I want to be when I date someone?"
Instead of looking so hard for someone who have the traits we want in a future spouse, in our waiting times, we should work even harder to be the Godly man or woman that will please God.

What kind of characteristics you want to exemplify when you date someone?
I know for myself, I don't want to be that stereotypical wife who criticizes and tries to change her husband when something she doesn't like comes up. Unless of course it's ungodly then by all means, he will hear from me about that! I would want him to be himself without me pressuring him to be someone else. I would also want to be patience as much as I can. So if we disagree on something, I won't feed the fire of irritation or anger but go to God for direction and be calm.
Well I can think of others, but I should study now....summer is SOOO CLOSE!!!!